9 Palestinian students killed, 603 injured by Israeli forces in 2017
Nine Palestinian students were killed by Israeli fire, while 603 students, and 55 teachers and school employees sustained live or rubber bullets wounds during 2017, official sources revealed. Read more at https://english.palinfo.com/32576 @Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Meanwhile, at least 80279 students and 4929 teachers and school employees were subjected to attacks during Israeli raids into schools or by being run over by Israeli military jeeps.
The report said 12 students and three teachers were subjected to house arrest from across the West Bank districts in 2017.
According to the sources, 95 schools were a target of Israeli attacks, which are estimated to be 352 attacks in total.
The attacks included breaking into schools and inflicting financial damages, the issuing of military notices against them, the firing of live and rubber bullets, stun grenades, and gas bombs and the partial or total disruption of schools’ days.
Source: The Palestinian Information Center