Tuseday, 22 October 2024

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In a letter sent to Arab and Islamic parliaments and organizations

PLC calls for Arab and Islamic efforts to confront deal of century

Ahmed Bahar, first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), has appealed to heads of Arab and Islamic parliaments, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League to pool their efforts to confront the US deal of the century.

“We send you our sincere regards and we pray to Allah Almighty to help you do your best to serve our Arab and Islamic people and their interests and defend their major issues, especially the Palestinian cause — the central cause of the nation,” Bahar said in a letter sent to the Arab and Islamic parliaments and organizations.

The letter warned against the US deal of the century and its serious repercussions on the Palestinian people and their national cause in particular and the Arab and Islamic worlds in general.

“It has become clear to all that the US administration, the occupation state and some Arab regimes allied with them are working hard to liquidate the Palestinian cause, wrap up the file of the conflict between our Palestinian people and the Israeli occupation, open the doors of normalization to the Israeli entity to invade our nation politically, economically, socially and culturally, and destroy the nation’s spirit of dignity and the elements of its development; therefore, such situation entails action by all honorable people from the nation to bring their efforts and energies together to confront this imminent danger,” the letter stated.

The letter underscored that the deal of the century “constitutes an international legal crime threatening international peace and security and violating the principles of the UN Charter, the rules of the international law, the international humanitarian law and human rights.”

It also urged heads of Arab and Islamic parliaments to pressure their governments and heads of state to refrain from taking part in any event or meeting contributing to executing the deal of the century.


Source: The Palestinian Information Center

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