Israel to close Gaza, West Bank crossings next week

The Israeli occupation authorities have announced that the Gaza Strip and West Bank crossings will be closed for several days starting Sunday, 29 September, over Jewish holidays.
The General Administration of Crossings and Borders said in press statements that Karam Abu Salem crossing, southeast of the Gaza Strip, will be closed for three days starting next Sunday, and work will be resumed at the border crossing on Wednesday, 2 October.
Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, north of the Gaza Strip, will also be closed during the same period. Palestinian individuals will not be able to pass through the crossing unless they have emergency cases.
As for al-Karama crossing between Jordan and the West Bank, the crossing will be opened for certain hours only during the three-day holiday. On Sunday it will remain open until 10:30 am, while on Monday and Tuesday it will be closed at 5:00 pm.
Source: The Palestinian Information Center