Israel’s real coronavirus test lies in freeing Palestinians from its grip
The solidarity we demonstrate with Palestinians today will determine what kind of country we live in when the pandemic is over.
It is impossible to know how strong or weak a house is until it is hit by a storm — whether its foundations are stable, its infrastructure is capable, or its roof is properly sealed. All of these are now being put to the test as the coronavirus storm hits our shores and gains traction in Israel and the occupied territories.
This is as true of our personal homes as it is of the national and global scene. Everything is put to the test in moments like these, from long-term government plans to the quality of training for service-providers.
Like in any surprise test, there are those who begin by improvising, forced to think on their feet with little time to spare. Fairly quickly, however, it becomes clear that one cannot rely on improvisation alone; our success largely depends on the extent to which we have prepared ourselves ahead of time.
Suddenly, stories of the “Start-Up Nation’s” remarkable achievements seem fleeting and all too fragile in the face of the state’s abandonment of the public sector. Israel’s health budgets have been systematically dried up for years, and the consequences — including a severe lack of available hospital beds, tests, and ventilators — are clear for all to see. The education system has been all but suspended, since the necessary investment in online learning technology wasn’t made in time. All of this is surfacing only a month after the first Israelis were diagnosed with COVID-19, and just before the hard weeks that still lie ahead.
All the while, the so-called “peace process” has been pushed into a faraway corner of the Israeli national psyche. These two words — which were worn out and laughed at long before the raging global pandemic — are little more than a cover up for our nation’s reluctance, and chronic incompetence, in dealing with what is fast becoming an existential necessity.
Living in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are millions of Palestinians over whom we have stubbornly refused to give up control. And with control comes responsibility. How will we deal with Gaza should the number of coronavirus cases there soar? What will we do when we run out of ventilators, and those infected in the West Bank are unable to breathe?
Israel is not just responsible for its nine million citizens, but for all 14 million human beings living under our control between the river and the sea. Yet its stranglehold over the Palestinian people has never been so shortsighted, presumptuous, and dangerous.
We actively prevented an entire nation from building themselves a national home, a state. We ruthlessly crammed them into Bantustans, making it impossible for them to develop their own economy, public infrastructure, and normal diplomatic relations. We bombed hospitals and power stations in Gaza, without stopping to ask ourselves what might happen when the sick come to the fence asking for medical treatment that we have refused to supply them.