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Meeting of Piñera and Netanyahu
We want to make public our concern about the turnaround, in terms of foreign policy, by the State of Chile in the Middle East. In this regard, we have been perplexed by the apparent abandonment to a position of defense of human rights and respect for international law that in recent decades characterized our international relations.
We are very aware that the President of the Republic is the one who, in defense of the interests of the country, conducts foreign policy. However, we do not understand the reasons for the change that in some way replaces the vector principles of Chile's international policy.
At the meeting between President Sebastián Piñera and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Brazil, a series of agreements were reported in different areas between the parties, with no mention of the need to end the occupation in Palestine or condition the conversations that the State of Israel respects the international law in force, in particular, the protection of human rights.
If the State of Chile maintains its commitment to a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, which allows the self-destruction of the Palestinian people and the security of all those who inhabit that geographical area, it does not seem consistent to forget the need to urge Israel to abide by the resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations, which systematically violates, such as 242, 338, 446, 478 and 2334. All these have in common to be binding, end the occupation in Palestine and generate the conditions for peace.
We sincerely hope that Chile will return to the path through which it still enjoys international prestige, and that it is based primarily on a consistent policy of respect and promotion of the rights of every human being.
Maurice Khamis Massú
President of the Palestinian Community of Chile